---------------------------- Original Message ---------------------------- Subject: re: Perle IolanSTS4-D and Trueport setup ticket# 00248196 From: "PTAC" Date: Fri, February 14, 2014 10:16 am To: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi, as per our phone conversation here is a common procedure for setting up Trueport COM port and the IolanSTS4-D serial port. This will allow your Serial application on either PC1 or PC2 to communicate directly with the Radio device. Trueport COM setup Install the TruePort v6.6.3 executable file. During the installation accept defaults and when prompted for the Hostname or IP address, enter the IP address of the STS4-D and specify the starting COM port and the number of COM ports. When finished, in the Trueport Management Tool window, select "Properties" button, select "Configuration" tab then the "Settings" button. 1. Click the COM port in the list. 2. For the "Connection Mode", click the drop down arrow and select "Full" mode. 3. For the Connection settings, select "Initiate Connection to Device Server". 4. For the "Connect to TCP port", enter 10001 5. Click on the Client Initiated Connection "Settings" button. 6. Disable (uncheck the box) "Connect at Systems Startup. 7. Enable (check box) "Close TCP Connection when COM port is closed". Click OK. 8. Select the "Advanced" tab next to the Connection tab. 9. Enable "Simulate COM port transmit delays". 10. Click "Apply". 11. If you have more than one COM port to setup, select the "Copy settings to.." button and Select All to copy to remaining COM ports and click OK. 12. Click Apply. 13. Click "OK" to close the Trueport Adapter Settings. 14. Click "OK" to close the Trueport Adapter Properties. 15. Click "Close" to close the Trueport Management Tool. 16. Restart Windows computer. Repeat the above steps for the second PC. Iolan STS4-D serial port setup Assuming that you have already configured an IP address and subnet mask using the Iolan Device Manager or Easy config wizard...configure the serial port(s) as shown here. Now that you have an IP address assigned you can manage the STS4-D from a WEB browser. Enter the IP address into the URL for example http:// Login to the STS4-D (default username is admin and password is superuser) 1. Under the "Configuration" settings, select "Serial" folder, then select "Serial Port". This will display the serial port list. 2. Click "Edit" button to edit Serial Port 1. 3. Click the "Change" profile button and select "Trueport" profile then click "OK". 4. In the General tab settings, select "Listen for Connection (Client initiated connection)", Listen on TCP port 10001. 5. Select the "Advanced" tab and enable "TCP Keepalive". 6. Click "Apply" button. 7. Click the "Serial port List" link to display all 4 serial ports in the list. 8. If you need to configure other serial ports, select the "Copy" button and then click "Select all" then OK. 9. Click Apply. 10. Click "Reboot IOLAN" button. Ensure the Serial/Console switch on the STS4-D is in the Serial OFF position before you reboot. Wait 2 minutes before trying to communicate with the IOLAN. Note: The only time your Serial application will be able to communicate with the Radio device is when you open the Serial application on the COM port (created by the Trueport software). When you close your Serial application the connection with the Radio device is also closed. Regards, Perle Systems Ltd. Perle Technical Assistance Center Tele: (905)946-5080 Mon - Fri 9:00am - 5:00pm Eastern Time sfa: 00248196